Hey there! my name is Amanda, a name which originally means "worthy of love"(according to google and my mom) , you can call me Mandy if you like, but no version of Panda or Manda is acceptable. I'm a normal 16 year old teenage girl with the height of a 13 year old, patience of a five year old, attention span of a toddler, feet of a man and a talking speed similar to that of flash, that is if he spoke like he ran. The only thing about me that screams adult-ish is my aadhar card picture (because it makes me look like a 25 year old terrorist)
I was born in Mumbai but I live in Goa, one of the smallest state in India, the state with the beaches and the coconut trees and the old Portuguese houses... And yes for all the adults alcohol of course. I've always wanted to live in Mumbai and I have full intentions of making that happen. I've lived in Goa for years but still nothing can stop me from asking my parents why they made the stupid decision of settling in Goa. My mom says my hatred for Goa will soon turn into love but I beg to differ, I can be pretty strong willed sometimes and like most other teenagers I can do a lot to prove my parents wrong.
As a child I was loud, crazy,
Me(then) (See what I mean) |
Me (now) |
Follow me on instagram :@mandysayswhattt
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